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Since 1962, the US has maintained a crushing blockade of Cuba that has severely impacted the lives of its people. For the past 32 years, the UN General Assembly has passed annual resolutions calling for an end to the embargo. In collaboration with Belly of the Beast, The Real News reports from the UN, where a recent 187-2 vote to lift the blockade passed once again—only opposed by the US and Israel.

Production: Liz Oliva Fernández, Alyssa Oursler
Videography: Alyssa Oursler
Post-Production: Adam Coley


The following is a rushed transcript and may contain errors. A proofread version will be made available as soon as possible.

Liz Oliva Fernández: We are in the UN General Assembly where Cuba presented for the 32nd time a resolution calling for an end to US sanctions.

Speaker: Those who are in favor please signify… those who are against and abstentions…

The results of the vote is 187 votes in favor, 2 against, and 1 abstention.

Liz Oliva Fernández: The United States and Israel voted against the resolution presented by Cuba, with Moldova abstaining.

For over 30 years, the vast majority of the General Assembly has overwhelmingly condemned US sanctions on Cuba.

Mauro Vieira, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil: Hoy como tantas veces antes, Brasil reitera su firme y categórica y constante oposición al embargo económico y comercial impuesto a Cuba…

Umej Bhatia, Representative of Singapore: Asean adds its voice to the chorus of this assembly…

Kereeta Whyte, Representative of Barbados: Barbados reaffirms its strong opposition to the use of unilateral coercive measures, especially those with extraterritorial reach that violate international norms.

Sophia Tesfamariam Yohannes, Representative of Eritrea: Every day the blockade continues to exist represents a shame on the moral authority of this organization, a shame on the purposes and principles of the UN charter, and this shame on multilateralism itself.

Liz Oliva Fernández: The United States and Israel have always voted against the resolution. Except in 2016, when the U.S. abstained.

Samantha Power, US Ambassador, 2016: After 50-plus years of pursuing the path of  isolation, we have chosen to take the path of engagement, because as President Obama said in Havana the future of Cuba relies on the hands of the Cuban people…

Liz Oliva Fernández: A path that the Biden Administration seems uninterested in following.

Reporter: Were you aware the UN General Assembly votes on Cuba tomorrow?

Matthew Miller, US Department of State Spokesperson: I was not tracking this on my bingo card.

Reporter: How is the U.S. going to vote?

Matthew Miller: I doubt we’ll be voting to condemn ourselves. [laughs]

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Liz Oliva Fernández is a Cuban journalist and the presenter of The War on Cuba, for which she won a Gracie Award. Apart from her journalism and filmmaking, Liz is a dedicated anti-racist and feminist activist.